Еще раз, длинный сезон наград подходит к концу, когда мы ждем откровения победителей на 97 -й премии Оскар. Каждый год приносит волнение, и в этом году не является исключением — кто из них принесет домой желанную статуэтку? (Желанная статуя Оскара, но какая из них будет заявлено?)
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Этот год выборов был больше похож на захватывающую поездку на американских горках по сравнению с папским конклавом, с предыдущими замечаниями одного кандидата в социальных сетях неожиданно появляются и вызывали новые сомнения в расах, которые первоначально казались решительными, когда кандидаты впервые были представлены еще в начале 2025 года.
2 марта, начиная с 7 вечера по восточному времени, живет как на ABC, так и на Hulu, — это то, где вы узнаете, кто получит домой Оскар в этом году. Мероприятие будет организовано Конаном О’Брайеном, с Робертом Дауни -младшим, Киллианом Мерфи, Сэмюэлем Л. Джексоном, Дейвом Баутистом, Гал Гадот, Эндрю Гарфилдом и другими, присоединяющимися в качестве докладчиков.
Полный список номинантов и победителей ниже.
Этот пост будет обновлен вживую.
Лучшая картина
1. Анора: таинственная
2. Бруталистский: суровая архитектура
3. Полное неизвестное: совершенно незнакомец
4. Конклав: частный совет (или конклав Ватикана, в частности)
5. Dune: Часть вторая: продолжение дюны
6. Эмилия Перес: Эмили Пирсон (при условии, что это опечатка или неверное толкование имени)
7. Я все еще здесь: я упорно/я остаюсь
8. Nickel Boys: молодежь медного цвета (при условии, что «никель» используется в переносном смысле, ссылаясь на мальчиков как «медные цвета»)
9. Суть: сущность
10. Злой: зло/зло (при условии, что это относится к работе с темами зла или зла)
Лучший режиссер
1. Шон Бейкер — «Анора»
2. Брэди Корбет — «Беспокойный»
3. Джеймс Мангольд — «Неизвестный незнакомец»
4. Жак Аудиард — «Эмилия Перес» (оставаясь прежним, так как это прямой перевод французского титула)
5. Coralie Fargeat — «Суть»
лучший актер
Эдриен Броди — «Бруталистский»
Тимоти Чаламет — «Полный незнакомец»
Колман Доминго — «Петь петь» (этот название предлагает место, как тюрьма, но если мы имеем в виду персонажа, в котором он играл, может быть лучше сказать «Колман Доминго как« Sing »или что -то подобное)
Ральф Файнс — «Ассамблея Ватикана» (Конклав относится к собранию кардиналов, чтобы выбрать новый папу, поэтому использование более описательного названия может помочь читателю понять контекст)
Себастьян Стэн — «Ученик» (это название предполагает, что он в некотором смысле ученик, но неясно, какой вид. Если мы знаем конкретную роль или контекст, было бы лучше использовать более описательный заголовок.)
Лучшая актриса
1. Синтия Эриво, известная своей ролью в «злая»
2. Карла София Гасон, признанная «Эмилия Перес»
3. Майки Мэдисон, часто считается «анорой»
4. Деми Мур, известная своей ролью в «Существенном веществе»
5. Фернанда Торрес, идентифицированная ее ролью в «Я все еще здесь»
Лучший актер второго плана
1. Юра Борисовой известен как анора
2. Киран Калкин звезд в настоящей боли
3. Эдвард Нортон играет роль полного неизвестного
4. Гай Пирс показан в бруталисте
5. Джереми Стронг появляется в ученике
Лучшая актриса второго плана
1. Моника Барбаро снимается в «Полном неизвестном»
2. Ариана Гранде будет видна в производстве «Wicked»
3. Фелисити Джонс в фильме под названием «Бруталист»
4. Изабелла Росселлини принимает участие в «Конклаве»
5. Зои Салдана играет роль Эмилии Перес
Лучший оригинальный сценарий
настоящая боль
5 сентября
Лучший адаптированный сценарий
Полный неизвестный
emilia perez
Nickel Boys
Лучшая анимированная функция
Inside Out 2
Memoir of Snail
Wallace & Gromit: месть Большинство Fowl
дикий робот
Лучшая международная функция
Я все еще здесь
девушка с иглой
emilia perez
Семя священного фиг.
Лучшее живое действие короткое
«Залоговое удержание»
«Я не робот»
«Последний рейнджер»
«Человек, который не мог молчать»
Лучший оригинальный счет
emilia perez
дикий робот
Лучшая оригинальная песня
Путешествие, « шесть тройных восемь
«Как птица мух», Sing Sing
«Мой путь» Эмилия Перес
«Никогда не поздно», Элтон Джон: Никогда не поздно
Лучшая документальная функция
Дневники черного ящика
лучший звук
[«Unknown», «Part 2», «Perez Emilia», «Evil», «Wild Robot»]
Лучшие спецэффекты
The Brutalist
Dune: Part Two
Лучший документальный короткометражный фильм
1. «Обратный отсчет до гибели» (Для «Смерти по номерам») 2. «Я стою готов, страж» (Для «Я готов, надзиратель») 3. «Кардиологическое оборудование» (Для «Инструменты бьющегося сердца») 4. «Одинокий мелодист в симфонии» (Для «Единственная девушка в оркестре»)
Лучший кинематографический опыт
Дюна: Часть Вторая
Эмилия Перес
Лучший макияж и прическа
Другой человек
Эмилия Перес
Best Animated Short
Красивые Мужчины
Лучший дизайн костюмов
The Complete Unknown
Gladiator II
Лучший монтаж фильма
Анора / бруталистка / конклав / Эмилия Перес / злая
Лучшие визуальные эффекты
Чужой: Ромул
Лучший мужчина
Дюна: Часть Вторая
Королевство планеты обезьян
Люди, получившие «Оскар», чтобы компенсировать награды, которых они должны были получить в прошлом.
Элизабет Тейлор (Лучшая актриса за фильм
Elizabeth Taylor, a legendary figure in Hollywood, is recognized as one of the greatest actresses to have graced the silver screen. However, her first Oscar win might not be familiar to many, except for die-hard fans of hers. The award she received for the film «Butterfield 8» saw her portray a disheartened prostitute yearning for love and a better life. This victory caused quite a stir due to several reasons. Primarily, Taylor had been nominated three times before for what were perceived as superior films, such as «Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,» and she publicly criticized «Butterfield 8,» which she made in order to fulfill her contract with MGM prior to filming «Cleopatra» for 20th Century-Fox. Some also speculated that the emergency tracheotomy she underwent before the ceremony may have garnered her sympathy votes.
Elizabeth Taylor, a well-known Hollywood actress, won her first Oscar for a lesser-known film titled «Butterfield 8.» In this movie, she played a disheartened prostitute seeking love and a better life. Her win was controversial because she had been previously nominated for better films like «Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,» and she criticized «Butterfield 8» to get out of her MGM contract before filming «Cleopatra.» Some people also believed that her emergency surgery right before the ceremony influenced the votes she received.
John Wayne (Best Actor for True Grit)
In a surprising twist, another screen legend claimed yet another unexpected victory: John Wayne winning the prestigious Oscar for his role as U.S. Marshal Rooster Cogburn in «True Grit» left many puzzled, given his extensive acting background. At that time, in 1969, he was already an experienced actor, and some speculated that his age may have played a part in him receiving the award for a performance that, while good, didn’t quite reach the electric intensity of other films he had starred in. Essentially, it seemed like the Academy decided to honor him before it was too late, as he had only been nominated once before, for the 1949 World War II film «Sands of Iwo Jima,» and never received another nomination or win after that.
Paul Newman (Best Actor for The Color of Money)
The film «The Color of Money» is excellent, and Paul Newman delivers a remarkable performance in it. However, it’s somewhat unexpected that this role earned him his first and only Oscar, given that he had been nominated for Best Actor six times before. Newman’s win is often seen as an instance where the Academy recognized the actor rather than the specific performance. Interestingly, Newman was also previously nominated for playing «Fast Eddie» Felson, a pool hustler, once before, in 1962’s «The Hustler.»
Paul Newman gives an outstanding performance in «The Color of Money,» but it’s somewhat surprising that this role earned him his first and only Oscar, considering he had been nominated for Best Actor six times previously. Newman’s win is often viewed as a recognition of the actor rather than the specific performance. Interestingly, he was also previously nominated for playing «Fast Eddie» Felson, a pool hustler, once before, in 1962’s «The Hustler.
Jessica Tandy (Best Actress for Driving Miss Daisy)
In another instance of «They should give her an Oscar right now,» this time it’s for Jessica Tandy, who portrayed the elderly retired schoolteacher and unwilling travel companion in the acclaimed film «Driving Miss Daisy«. By this point in her career, Tandy had made a name for herself across films, television, and theater. The Academy recognized the critical and commercial success of Tandy and Morgan Freeman’s movie as the ideal moment to honor Tandy for her extensive body of work. At 80 years old, she became the oldest actor in history to win an Academy Award.
Judi Dench (Best Supporting Actress for Shakespeare in Love)
Judi Dench’s victory for her brief appearance as Queen Elizabeth in «Shakespeare in Love,» despite having just eight minutes of screen time, is one of the most controversial Oscar consolation prizes. The aggressive campaign by Miramax led «Shakespeare in Love» to win the night’s top award, edging out the favorite, «Saving Private Ryan,» a surprising turn of events that overshadowed Dench’s equally astonishing Best Supporting Actress win for her portrayal of the queen across a few scenes. Even Dench herself seemed slightly taken aback, commenting as she pointed to her statuette: «For eight minutes on the screen, I should only get a little bit of this.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Best Picture, etc.)
In a twist, even epic sagas like movies can receive consolation prizes! Following the viewing of Peter Jackson’s trilogy conclusion, «The Return of the King,» it was no shock when it bagged technical awards, Best Director, and eventually, Best Picture at the ceremony. However, many viewers criticized that it seemed more like the Academy was acknowledging the entire trilogy rather than just the one film. While «The Return of the King» boasts some of the most complex visual effects among the three movies, many fans don’t rank it as their favorite Lord of the Rings movie. It’s astounding that it became the first and only fantasy movie to win an Oscar, but perhaps viewers would have felt more satisfaction if «Fellowship» had been the winner instead.
Sandra Bullock (Best Actress for The Blind Side)
Sandra Bullock’s win of the Best Actress Oscar for her performance as Leigh Anne Tuohy in «The Blind Side» was no small feat. At that time, the movie was highly praised as a heartwarming biopic, a genre often favored by the Academy. Additionally, Bullock was riding the wave of commercial success from her romantic comedy «The Proposal,» which had been released that summer and marked a resurgence in her career following a dip in the early 2000s. The public’s enthusiasm for Bullock’s return to the spotlight provided the extra push she needed to clinch the Oscar.
Julianne Moore (Best Actress for Still Alice)
In awards season, movies like «Still Alice,» which features powerful performances in the context of heartrending illness dramas, tend to resonate strongly with voters. So, it was hardly unexpected that Julianne Moore’s portrayal of Alice Howland, a middle-aged linguistics professor diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s disease, would earn her an Oscar. Compared to her previous nominations for films such as «Boogie Nights,» «The End of the Affair,» «Far from Heaven,» and «The Hours,» her win for «Still Alice» seemed like a long-overdue recognition.
Ennio Morricone (Best Original Score for The Hateful Eight)
Quentin Tarantino is recognized for blending various music styles in his films, typically a fusion of current pop tunes and snippets from other film scores. Inviting Ennio Morricone to score his western movie «The Hateful Eight,» set in the snow, was something daring: it was the first time he had ever commissioned an original score for one of his movies, and since Morricone was quite old at the time, it was probably the last score he would compose. This made for a strong contender for an Oscar win, especially considering that the Academy had previously nominated Morricone for even more highly regarded work, yet failed to acknowledge his best pieces. Morricone’s win recognized his entire career.
Leonardo DiCaprio (Best Actor for The Revenant)
Was there a sense of anticipation about whether Leonardo DiCaprio would finally receive his Oscar at the 2016 Academy Awards? After all, he had been nominated four times prior to this: three times for Best Actor in «The Aviator,» «Blood Diamond,» and «The Wolf of Wall Street,» and once for Best Supporting Actor in «What’s Eating Gilbert Grape.» Given his status as a prominent figure from that era, many were curious to see what conditions would finally lead to DiCaprio winning an Oscar. As it happened, his win for «The Revenant» that night felt like a long-overdue recognition, almost as if the Academy was making amends for not awarding him for «The Aviator» – or «Titanic,» for that matter, due to his unforgettable performance in the latter.
Roger Deakins (Best Cinematography for Blade Runner 2049)
In terms of technical categories, only a handful of names are widely recognized by the general public, and Roger Deakins is one of them. Since his 1994 nomination for Best Cinematography for his exceptional work on «The Shawshank Redemption», he had been vying for the award multiple times, receiving additional nominations a total of 12 times before the 2018 Oscars, but never taking home the prize. His vibrant, atmospheric work on «Blade Runner 2049» finally earned him the recognition he deserved, with many viewing this win as a long-overdue honor for all his previous nominations.
Will Smith (Best Actor for King Richard)
I, for one, have always admired Will Smith as one of those timeless Hollywood icons whose remarkable career spans across comedies, action flicks, and even dramas. Despite being a staple in the film industry for decades, he had yet to receive the highest acting accolade in our nation, which is typically reserved for more dramatic performances. However, his exceptional talent was undeniable, as evidenced by his previous nominations for films like «Ali» and «The Pursuit of Happyness.»
For «King Richard,» where he portrayed the father and coach of tennis legends Serena and Venus Williams, there was a concerted effort to recognize Smith’s long-overdue recognition. While his win was not without controversy following an incident, it was clear that this push resonated with the Academy.
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